As per the ancient Chinese legend, a monster
named Nian used to torment villagers by destroying their crop and taking away
their children. Nian, the monster had to be pleased by offerings of food so it
wouldn’t hurt the poor villagers. Salvation came when the villagers discovered
that Nian was afraid of the colour red and finally the menace of Nian was
brought to an end by scaring the monster away by decorating the doors and
windows of houses with bright Red paper cutouts and scrolls.
Since then, Nian became history and this
auspicious time of the year marking the end of evil, was celebrated as the
Chinese New Year to honour the blessings of heavenly deities and ancestors.
2012 is the 4710th Chinese New Year and as per Chinese astrology brings the
energy of the Dragon belonging to Element Of Water.
The energy of the Dragon symbolises power and
dynamism and the element of water harmonises or calms the fire of the Dragon
and adds a spiritual twist to the power experience. Overall, 2012, the Year of
the Water Dragon, is a great year for new beginnings, businesses, marriages and
relationships. Like the Mayan Calendar, even the Chinese calendar prophecy 2012
to be a dynamic year of Spiritual Transformation for the mankind and as we
enter the new spiritual era in February 9, 2013. Overall, the water dragon
hails good fortune for earthlings.
Work and business: 2012 heralds a year for
innovations and a time for new ideas to be born and a technological evolution
of sorts. Even the economic slowdown is symbolic of the transformation period
as the humanity is being persuaded not to chase money but to understand the
play of spiritual energy behind scenes and in fact the world is being led to
pour spirit into work.
The energy of the Dragon may increase expenses
hence awareness will bring things in balance. Love and relationships: The
Dragon is symbolic of La Passion and speaks of romance, rekindling love and
finding true love and the energy of the water dragon may dismantle
relationships, which are not based on truth and honesty. The Water Dragon
brings healing and harmony on the whole.
Physical health: The Water Dragon brings
healing and recovery and encourages all to adopt healthier lifestyles and
switch to healing foods to enhance physical wellness. Remember the Dragon brings
energy and Water brings healing so 2012 brings a time for well-being and
supports healing at all levels and spiritually, 2012 may bring challenges a
dragon must and can overcome.
The year of the Water Dragon is a time to
honour one’s true self and explore the world within to accomplish one’s unique
mission and explore the energy of your spirit and marvel at the discovery of
healing power of the Dragon within.
* * *
As per Chinese astrology there is a 60-year cycle, which is divided into a
rotation of 12 animals signs. In addition there are also the five elements of
fire, water, metal, wood and earth, which add to a person’s astrological
traits. Furthermore the secret personality is added by the timing a person is
born in. However, The primary Chinese zodiac sign is decided by the year a
person is born in. Following is the horoscope for the 12 animal zodiacs. So, to
read the following horoscope, match your year of birth and the sign it matches
and read on.
Rat (1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008)
The Rat and Dragon have good affiliation with each other; you can expect things
to be favourable and smooth. People born in the year of the Rat are energetic
beings and they shall enjoy the dynamic pace of 2012. For those who are hardworking
and opportunistic, new career opportunities and jobs await. Relationships
progress well this year, however, they need to be more sensitive to their
partners and stay honest with themselves at the same time.
Ox (1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009)
The Ox and Dragon are not very compatible; expect some challenges. Take care of
health and adopt a healthier lifestyle. The year might be too dynamic for some.
However remaining flexible is the key. A good year for marriages and committed
Tiger (1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998
As the Tiger and Dragon have good affiliation, so the going is smooth. There
may be challenges hence remaining balanced is advised. There shall be several
good career opportunities. In relationships, it is advisable to deepen bonds
and keep a balanced emotional approach.
Rabbit (1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999
The Rabbit and Dragon share a good affiliation, you can expect things to go
more smoothly. Good academic opportunities await students. The pace of 2012 may
be unnerving for some however working on strengthening skills at one’s current
work domain and a focus self-growth is advised. Increased self-confidence opens
the way for new love for some. The focus is the self this year.
Dragon (1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000
This should be an average period for the Dragon this year. There are many
career and social life opportunities too. It is time to encash your talent and
success is inevitable. Relationships should prosper but boundaries need to be
drawn. Self-care and preserving energy is important so as to maintain
consistent dynamism.
Snake (1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001
There is no special affiliation between Snake and Dragon, hence this year is
average. The Snake folk will need to work very hard to achieve their career
goals, and must take care of their personal relationships. Care with finances
is also advised.
Horse (1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002
There is no special affiliation between Horse and Dragon; an average year for
the Horse. There are good career opportunities and they need to believe in
themselves. A careful approach towards health and finances is advised. Those
single may have romantic encounters.
Sheep or the Ram (1931 1943 1955 1967 1979
1991 2003 2015)
An average year for the Ram. However, the opportunities of their heart arise
and they should be quick to follow. It’s a good year for intimate friendships
and love. Health issues need attention.
Monkey (1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004
The Monkey and Dragon share a good affiliation, expect things to go smoothly.
Being agile and quick, success knocks their door sooner than they think. There
are opportunities in their career and their social life is expanding. Romance
is in the air for some this year.
Rooster (1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005
The Rooster and Dragon have good affiliation, expect things to go more
smoothly. People born in the Year of the Rooster need to rejuvenate their
careers by either changing jobs or by changing job roles. It is time to savour
romantic bliss this year and enjoy stability.
Dog (1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018)
The Dog and Dragon are not very compatible hence there could be some
challenges. Flexible approaches are favourable than stubborn attitudes in
career. Pace of change in 2012 may make some uneasy but relying on intuition
guides them well. In tough times they should bank on friends and family.
Finances and health need to be taken care of this year. Relationships need
nurturing for some.
Pig (1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019)
There is no special affiliation between Pig and Dragon; a moderate year for the
Pig. They need to guard against sentimentality. The year may seem hectic but
heralds great beginnings. Persistence is critical in career endeavors; work
changes should be favourable towards the end of the year. Finances shall
improve. Relationships shall be joyful.-
The writer is a Runes and Tarot consultant, a therapist and a
trainer who offers solutions to issues of daily life with the spiritual wisdom
of Tarot and Runes. Send your queries to Manasi at
(courtesy - Kochi chronicle)
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